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No matter where you are on your transformation journey, you need four key ingredients to achieve successful outcomes.

The ingredients for successful transformation

Transformation is ambitious and when done right, promises great benefits for your organisation. However, it’s also often complex, challenging and can be quite daunting. 

There are a few key things that need to be considered if you really want to achieve the right outcomes: 

  • Ambition and objectives
  • Leadership and commitment
  • Skills and experience
  • Delivery approach.  

Successful transformation doesn’t need just one but ALL of these ingredients to come together – to build the will and the means, as well as create the clarity and capability. 

It doesn’t matter where you are on your journey - whether you’re just getting started or well underway – but these four ingredients will be key in creating your recipe for successful transformation.

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Berkeley transformation model diagram ambition leadership skills delivery Berkeley transformation model diagram ambition leadership skills delivery Berkeley transformation model diagram ambition leadership skills delivery Berkeley transformation model diagram ambition leadership skills delivery
transformation model diagram

Ambition and Objectives

A lack of ambition or objectives creates confusion. 

We help organisations shape what good looks like, create strategies and mould measurable objectives - all of which respond to the challenges they face and create a compelling case for change. 

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Leadership and Commitment

Without leadership and commitment you’ll face resistance. 

We help leaders create the headspace for transformation and unite organisations behind a set of goals and priorities.

We empower teams and make transformation real for everyone involved.

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Skills and Experience

It’s frustrating for everyone if you don’t have the skills and experience. 

We help organisations build and retain high performing teams, ensuring leaders, individuals and external partners have the right skills to deliver.

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Delivery approach

Not having the right delivery approach can lead to chaos. 

We help organisations define the best approach to change, breaking it down into manageable chunks to reduce bureaucracy, build confidence, support innovation and accelerate delivery.

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Transformation: from recipe to reality

“Berkeley was a key ingredient in the success of one of our most challenging and complex transformations.”

A global energy company
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“Berkeley was a key ingredient in the success of one of our most challenging and complex transformations.”

A global energy company

Our client stories

We are extremely proud of our achievements. Our case studies illustrate how we work with clients to deliver real, effective change.

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Dow Jones

Finance transformation for productivity and insight

Dentsu International

M&A integration: developing a global playbook

Global real estate services and investment company

Transformation Management Office turnaround

Global supply chain logistics company

Building cyber security and operational resilience