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Defining and delivering an effective cyber security strategy

Dave Machin

In ‘Making business sense of cyber risk’, we looked at how to define and manage today’s complex cyber risks in a way that’s intelligible and actionable for your leadership. Building on this view of cyber risk management, this article looks at how to define and deliver a cyber security strategy capable of mitigating your most pressing threats, and establishing the right operating model and security programme to deliver on your strategy. 

Cyber security and operational resilience can be unfathomable for the uninitiated. So, if you could distil effective cyber security management down into one word, it would be ‘clarity’. You need to be able to cut through the noise to identify the threats that are most pressing to your business. You then need a clear, insight-driven strategy to mitigate them. 

Lack of clarity could leave your business dangerously exposed to cyber attacks. Without a clear understanding of the threats and resulting risks you need to protect yourself against, you could also end up overengineering your cyber safeguards. The results could mean investing significant sums without achieving the risk reduction required to meet your risk and resilience goals.

That’s why a clear definition of the risks you face and how to combat them is so critical.

Defining your cyber strategy

There are several elements to defining your cyber strategy.

Delivering your cyber security strategy

With your objectives defined, the next step is to establish the right security operating model for your organisation.  

Evolving your cyber security strategy 

The cyber threat landscape keeps evolving. So should your cyber security strategy.

Let’s talk

We’re working with businesses across all sectors to help them make sense of the cyber risks they face and strengthen security and resilience. Talk to us if you’d like to know more.